Show HN: mpvc-tui – A minimal mpc-like CLI and TUI for controlling mpv
11 by gmt4 | 0 comments on Hacker News.
Hi there, This is just a shameless self-plug about a personal project of mine: "Using mpv and mpvc to play and manage the stuff I listen." To that end I've forked the great and started hacking around, so far I've focused on: getting a minimal TUI working, improving the CLI, playing online music (eg. youtube and other streaming services), and bugfixes (including the introducing new ones). The project is mainly developed, and, used under Debian/Ubuntu systems so expect the best results with these. What I expect from sharing in HN is: - Letting people know about that might find it useful/interesting. - Getting some feedback about things that I might have been missing. - Being a personal project, that I use and develop, I've got no commercial interest, but I highly value if people find it useful and promote it. If you are still reading, just head to Thanks!

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